
The blog posts are from my experiences with the modern world. I hope to enlighten others in their search for their own personal truth while at the same time gaining insight into my own psyche.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pentagon Shooting

Read this blog first if you want some interesting details about this case and how it can occur. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/threat-management/201003/the-pentagon-shooting-they-don-t-just-snap

When other mentally ill individuals are involved in crimes such as murder or attempted murder, this concerns me for a variety of reasons. My first concern is for the safety of those individuals threatened, injured, or killed by the mentally ill person. There is also a tragic effect on the family members of the mentally ill person whether or not that individual survives. If the person survives, but managed to seriously harm or kill others, there is very often a strong sense of guilt felt by family members. If their family member dies then they still have the guilt of the harm that person did to others as well as the sadness of losing a loved one. Another serious concern I have is in regards to the picture of how the mentally ill like myself are treated and seen in society.

This man was described as having bipolar disorder and a long history of mental illness. My fear which I believe is founded is that others have the perception that all people with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses can be clumped into one category. This category is one where the mentally ill are seen as a threat to our society and not productive citizens. This is far from the truth. I know of many individuals who maintain themselves by taking their medications and receiving proper treatment. However, if people are allowed to clump all mentally ill together then it is easy to justify warehousing mentally ill patients and not giving them the proper treatment needed.

There is a stigma with mental illness that continues to fester and needs to be lessened. I would love to see students learning about what mental illness is and how to help a friend if they see signs of a mental illness. Also, this would help young people to know that they might have a mental illness while recognizing that it does not have to be a horrible life sentence. Just as those with diabetes obtain treatment without embarassment; the same someday can be said for the fellow mentally ill. It is important that we keep in mind that knowledge is the key and refrain from judging people without knowing all the details of their situations.

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