
The blog posts are from my experiences with the modern world. I hope to enlighten others in their search for their own personal truth while at the same time gaining insight into my own psyche.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

And the award goes to

I must admit I did watch parts of the Academy Awards even though I have only seen a few of the movies that were nominated. What I don't fully understand is the need in this country to place so much emphasis on the celebrity of people whose talent is acting as opposed to those that sacrifice their lives for others. Also, there are so many fields people work in that help in the world that are more important then entertainment. I am  not one to push entertainers totally aside as I believe they have a place in our lives, but not to the detriment of others.

On Oscars night the announcer said something to the effect of this is a night everyone has been waiting for. Everyone has been waiting for? I am so glad to know that is not true. There are too many people though that spend time watching the Oscars wondering what some actress would be wearing or which designer created that particular look. Do these same people spend that much time finding what their kid's teacher needs for their classroom or how they can help their kid to do better in school?


I am amazed at all the commercials that feature celebrities or the owners of the companies telling the public why they should buy a certain product. If I hear Jon Cryer telling me about how great Wells Fargo is, does that make me want to go there? I know I don't do it and actually I make the effort to avoid such companies. This is true for companies like Sit and Sleep where they have annoying sayings like "You're killing me Larry!". Every time I see Sit and Sleep I avoid it like the plague just to do my little bit to punish them for stupidity.

What worries me most is that all these ads and t.v. shows are produced by people that want to make money. This leads to the logical conclusion that people do follow celebrities and buy products accordingly. How sad and pathetic does this make us? I think it makes us very sad in that we don't evaluate the quality of a product as much as we listen to someone whose only knowledge of the product is based on the cash they receive for the ad and the description they are handed.

Lastly, when it comes to these ads and the emphasis placed on shallow characters in our world, I am left with one question; Where's the beef??


  1. Great post! I thought I was the only one who couldn't care less about the awards. I enjoy movies but I don't enjoy shows about awards. I read about how many countries watch the awards and how much time & money is spent prepping for the awards. REALLY??? We can't find somewhere better to spend millions of dollars.
    Like I said, great post!

  2. Do these same people spend that much time finding what their kid's teacher needs for their classroom or how they can help their kid to do better in school?
    the answer: nope.
