
The blog posts are from my experiences with the modern world. I hope to enlighten others in their search for their own personal truth while at the same time gaining insight into my own psyche.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Do I take the bible literally?

Every year my family gets together for Passover. This is the holiday that is from Exodus in the bible which tells the story of Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt. During the Seder (the meal and reading during Passover) we read about how the Jews were kept as prisoners under Pharaoh's rule and the way they were able to finally convince the Pharaoh to let Moses's people go. This is a very brief synopsis of this holiday as there is much more to it, but I only wish to focus on this aspect of it.

According to the story that is read during Passover, there were 10 plagues that were put upon the the Pharaoh and his people. They are blood, frogs,lice, flies, cattle disease, boils, locusts, darkness, and slaying of the first born. This was not a good time to be one of Pharaoh's followers.

My concern and questions about this story is that this describes a God that would punish all members of a group for the actions of the few. History is filled with actions a country's leadership conducts that goes against the desires of many of the common people. The Passover story doesn't say these plagues are against only those that support the pharaoh, but really against all his people. This to me seems inherently unfair and not how the God I believe in would act. I believe in a loving god that has expectations for us all and if there is some sort of judgement day; judgement will be based on individual actions and not a country's leadership or lack thereof.

I do not claim to know more than others or have a clear cut answer here. I wish only to raise the question and hear others' perspectives. If someday I go to the pearly gates and am told that I was wrong then I will clearly accept that. I hope and desire that for now and the rest of my time on Earth that I will always feel comfortable with questioning the things I don't understand.

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