
The blog posts are from my experiences with the modern world. I hope to enlighten others in their search for their own personal truth while at the same time gaining insight into my own psyche.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Illegal Immigration

My great grandparents came to this country in the early twentieth century to avoid the pogroms in Russia. This is where the Russians were burning Jewish towns and killing the Jews. When they came to this country it was much easier to be able to go through the immigration process, but either way they did go through it. I believe our laws need to be adjusted so that they are reasonable and much more efficient, but I still believe in the concept of legal immigration.

Some people believe in the idea of no borders. This is a utopian idea that I believe is very dangerous in our time. If we open our country to allow anyone to come in and become a citizen we risk many consequences. An open border would allow terrorists or anyone else that wants to cause harm to our country and our people easy access to doing so. This also would make it tempting for other countries to open their jails and send their criminals to our country. It likely would also cause more harm to our social services including hospitals and schools. Hospitals could be serving foreigners that come over only to receive medical care and then head back to their country. The schools which are already challenged trying to educate the current student body would likely be inundated with students who come over for a short time and leave thus disrupting the flow of classrooms as well as putting extra strain on educators.
Another problem I find with illegal immigration is how illegals become basically second class citizens. Imagine that you are a worker who is in the country illegally and is dealing with poor working conditions. These could be things like unsafe work areas, sexual harassment, pay below the minimum wage, and more are situations that many illegals won't complain about for risk of being deported.

What are some solutions? Before I get into that there needs to be ground rules to discussions. The race card must be kept in the deck. It is unfortunate that right now according to stats on Wikipedia that 57% of illegal immigrants are from Mexico and another 24% from other Latin American countries. This makes it easy for immigrant activists to claim racism when illegal immigration is brought up. I am not naive so I understand that there are racists out there that use illegal immigration as a cover for their true feelings. However, from my experience there are many more of us that would like a reasonable immigration policy and we must allow for an intelligent discussion of it. My feelings on illegal immigrants is the same whether that immigrant is from Mexico or Russia or any other land. I hope this will be an issue we can discuss with intelligence because it is not going away any time soon.


  1. For decades now our legislators have turned a blind-eye, to the movement from South of the border. Nor have they rushed to fix the loophole that allows unprecedented millions of foreign visitors vanish into America. These a two paramount factors have caused for 20 years the massive influx of the 20 to 30 million or more foreign nationals. Thanks to years our politicians selling their reputations to the highest wealthy bidder undetected in the scheme of things. Of course open border purveyors don't want to be recognized, because they are donating multi-millions of dollars to keep the border region under-funded and open to traffic. But, why would they? These pro-illegal immigration people live isolated lives away from the crush of big cities, surrounded by bodyguards. They do not have to every worry in their gated communities, or large mansions of the rising crime rate from foreign nationals, as long as their bottom line is substantial cash benefits for cheap labor is protected.

    Patriotic Americans should GOOGLE--donations to the ACLU, US Chamber of Commerce and La Raza even environmentalist groups. Money has no conscious, even when our border territory is covered with the remnants of human trash mounds. It would stun the most ordinary US citizen or document carrying permanent resident, of those companies that donate huge amounts of money to even extremist organizations that are remain silently in the background. California, a refuge for foreign nationals is not a melting pot any more, but a over pouring cauldron of very angry citizens whose taxes are going towards subsidize the lives of illegal alien families. The majority of immigrants are indigent and have no skills, when even the lowest citizen has some schooling. Therefore people from the lower countries are more dependent on big government social welfare programs.

    This is where the Democratic-Liberal excel. Using taxpayer money, Libs-Democrats recognize that underwriting to foreign aliens, both - legal and illegal - with generous giveaways will result in votes and support from their benefactors. The momentum in this issue is that by giving away so much of the public welfare, (our own poor citizens-veterans, senior citizens, handicapped) even US born students and people of all skin colors get abundantly shortchanged. Government handouts also encourage more illegal immigrants to cross the open borders with hands reaching for plentiful goodies. Long before 60 percent of the citizens of Los Angeles demanded the end to benefits for illegal families under Prop 187, politicians in Sacramento have ignored the plea to stop the inflow. California is just one of the gateway states that is overcome by people who have shunned our laws. Arizona is in financial turmoil followed closely by Utah, and others are in financial turmoil because most lawmakers have no spine.

  2. Even ICE raids are now in peril as Janet Napolitano has altered the occurrences around the country. A amended 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli bill makes far more sense, than another costly AMNESTY. A regimented points system could be included to offer expedited immigration to a high level of skilled workers who have earned specific technical and scientific merits. Instead for the most part our illegal immigrants are uneducated, unskilled, non-English speaking laborers from Third World lands. Many are criminals, transporting drugs, and some have been exposed to previously eradicated diseases. Most are just looking for a job and better way of life. But we have our own looking to get out of poverty. They often are taken advantage of by greedy and unscrupulous businesses owners that hire them for a few dollars and pay them in cash under the table to avoid taxes or any scrutiny. Illegal aliens have already been are coached and enabled by family members already here, or groups like ACORN that advocate for them.

    They are taught before they even make the trip on how to manipulate the system to maximize government entitlements. Startling reports of road maps and how to bypass immigration agents is already knowledge before they leave. And that our nation allows instant citizenship to Mothers given birth to anchor babies which are free tickets to Social Security and additional benefits such as free medical care, housing subsidies and education for their kids. A fully functioning two layer wall would have been a ultimate deterrent, against any criminal walking into America. For the skeptical individual prey take a tour of the border. It's nothing like our government promised. It's been one lie since its conception. The second high fence is not there? In fact the fence itself doesn't as they claim, cross the 2000 miles from San Diego to Brownsville. Routes are still open for every conceivable type of illegal alien criminal, where just ancient barbed wire bars the way.

    But now its backfired, by a respected Rancher left to die on his vehicle along with his dog. All politicians must be held accountable for this ugly crime, as the people who reside along the border have never been taken seriously for requests for policing. NUMBERSUSA, with a million members have answers to all your questions.

  3. The same as the Governors, mayors, officials and even judges have either collected favors or have earned a secret stipend for ignoring federal laws. Aiding and abetting illegal immigrants seems to have fallen on deaf eyes even for those public servants we voted for? They forgot a pledge of allegiance to the main body of the American population and seemed more in tune with doing the bidding of foreign presidents. For failing to seal the border with a full compliment of patrolling Agents and keeping the funding below par, we now have the most serious immigration problem we have ever have to face. Years of empty promises to landowners within the border region has finally culminated in a vicious murder of an old Rancher. Opening this can of worms is even worse, because he died from a gunshot wound by some foreign national, who quickly escaped back across the border.


    Whether it was a armed lone illegal alien or a drug cartel who hit Rob Krentz is likely just the beginning of violence spilling into the US? If the border had been the two separated walls of steel and concrete originally formulated by Rep.Duncan Hunter this senseless death may not have occurred? Part of their apparent politico ego is that citizens-residents are inclined to believe the lies leaving their lips. As far as I am concerned, if bloggers had not kept on stimulating the general public about the great properties of E-Verify, 287 G, immigration programs they would have been long gone. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) would have made sure of that. It is obvious they are not interested in opening jobs for Americans, still allowing 8 million illegal aliens to steal the jobs of our own unskilled, poorly educated people.

  4. Well, my husband migrated here from Mexico, legally. HOWEVER, he has been here illegally, too. I have been educated on the matter whether i wanted to be, or not, through the VISA process, and my feelings have changed with time. I am anti-illegal immigration, but i also feel our system is damaged and disfunctional, especially when it's easier to get here illegally than legally. I think it should be an ABSOLUTE requirement that English is learned (within a specific time frame), and I am not a proponent of illegal alien's children born here being automatic citizens, although I realize that can cause some problems. I think the open border idea is noble and a great idea for a world very differant from the one we live in. My husband tends to support the idea, and I'm not quite sure why, since I can't seem how it could possibly work. However, how many people do not benefit somehow from the cheap labor illegals provide? And now they are setting their own prices/wages. Can you believe it? The illegal workers down at Home Depot actually TELL THE PEOPLE NEEDING LABORERS HOW MUCH THEY EXPECT TO BE PAID. And people generally will pay it. And let's not even mention the drain on health care and other services. I am ranting now, sorry. I think it's a pity that things immigration wise are not like they used to be.There doesn't seem to be any pride any more.

  5. Great topic Raphe. I personally know several illegal immigrants who have been working in the US, paying taxes and suffer discrimination, low wages, poor working conditions, no overtime, etc. It is the acceptable form of slavery today. Although the SS #s are bogus, they have been paying taxes to the federal government without any benefit back in direct services, health care, etc. I know several children who have been born here, now young adults, living in fear of deportation and are as much an American as any of us. I know people who are forced to leave their US born children here in the US to have to go back to Mexico to process their papers, a process that can take years. The system does not support honest, hard working immigrants that are contributing to the system, in a country that benefits from their services and that, in the end, gives them very little respect. We do need solutions to this issue that support those who come here to follow the American dream and are in good standing and also benefit society.

  6. Jen,
    This clearly has struck a nerve as can be seen in the comments. I believe in an efficient system and also feel our leaders can create one if they truly want. I can imagine being in a country and trying to provide for my family and being tempted to cross the border so my family doesn't starve. However, if I knew that it was highly unlikely I would succeed in getting across the border and know that when I crossed there was no job for me then I would stay put. Somehow we must change things and soon.

  7. Raphe,

    My wife came here legally from Russia. Here daughter was finishing up her University studies there, so she stayed to graduate. Two things. One, she could not visit us because the State Department was afraid that she would not return. Two, her visa application has taken six years to reach the front of the line. When people come here illegally, they are butting in line in front of people who are obeying the rules. It has nothing to do with racism. It has to do with fairness.

  8. I wrote about this a while back: http://reflectionsofafreewayflyer.blogspot.com/2010/02/immigrants-are-coming-again.html

    I may be missing something, but it seems that there are a lot of people advocating immigration reform who do not believe in open borders. They just think that there may be reasonable changes implemented that recognize the reality that large numbers of people are going to come here from Latin America whether legally or not. Is this fair to people from other parts of the world? No. In politics, however, you pick the worst of the options. Fairness is often impossible.

    I tend to think that a lot of the anger over this issue is little different from what we saw in the past when Americans were angry at the (legal) immigrants of their time. Like many things in politics, the central emotion is fear. Immigrants are often viewed as a threat to the "traditional American way of life."

  9. I realized after commenting that one part of my comment above makes so sense. In paragraph 2, I said that "you pick the worst of the options." I meant to say that you are often forced to pick the least bad option.

    And Raphe, I figured out how to make embedded videos smaller so that they won't block out some of the text on the right side of your blog. Let me know if you want me to share more of my technical wisdom.

  10. Immigration is a tough issue. Most of our families benefited from immigration, but we can't let everyone in. I don't know how to do it fairly.

  11. It is a tough issue to iron out, period. But the main thing I take issue with is what Michael said....why should someone who broke the law to come here illegally reap benefits and rewards beyond someone who did so within the system? My husband had to pay thousands of dollars to process his VISA and wait a year to use it, while thousands are coming illegally AND THEN continuing to take take take? While my husband is paying his taxes, speaking FLUENT English, and actually PAYING for healthcare? I think it's quite normal for me to be upset. I have nothing against immigrants in general. I think it makes the country a more interesting place. What should we do about the broken system? I'm not sure, but something, please!
